Looking for advice on navigational equipment? Questions to ask about charts?
Equipment Selection
Need help selecting an ECDIS for your fleet? We can help you source your systems and training solution as a package that will save you time and money as well as advising you on a system that suits your needs.
Expert Support
• Need to be pointed in the right direction for charting?
• Or simply need someone there to troubleshoot your problems?
Our team is available for expert advice on all aspects of ECDIS and E-navigation, including implementation and International Safety Management. We also offer legal support for the following:
- Advice and guidance on regulatory matters
- Expert Knowledge for court appearances
- Accident and incident reconstructions
- Bespoke check-off cards for system configuration
- Production of the ECDIS element of your SMS
- Additional advice to the maritime community
- Access to a library of global flag state regulations
Call us today for more details on +44 (0) 1489 559 677
Consultancy Enquiry
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